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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crunch time! (aka, I thought I wrapped that pipe?)

So this week I've learned what it's like to make beer in the tundra (slight exaggeration). 

The Arctic Blast 2011 has put a serious cramp in my zymurgy, mostly due to frozen water supplies.  That, in turn, means no wort chillers, and a batch takes FOR-EV-ER to cool off enough to pitch the yeast.  I know, I know... you're thinking " But Mason, if it's cold out it would cool it off faster?".  I'd answer "WRONG.  5 gallons of 200 degree wort takes HOURS to cool in an ice bath, and much longer at 30 degree air temp. And I might add, I don't like your snotty tone".

But then you might aslo ask, "Why must you brew during this wretched weather?".  "Because", I'd answer in an annoyed, grouchy way, "the beers I'm entering in the Bluebonnet Brew Off are due on the 18th and I've got 3 more to complete by that time.  Brewed, fermented and in glass by 2 weeks from now."  I might be screwed.

These are the times when a brewer's meddle is tested.  I don't like to lose, especially before the competition even begins.  Wish me luck!

Anyway, CHEERS!

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